One of the things that we talked about at our Church Life & Growth session the other weekend was that when the New Testament talks about 'church' it doesn't have a building in mind - rather, a group of Christians who have gathered together. Presumably, when the Apostle Paul turned up somewhere like Philippi in the first century and asked about where he could find 'the church' he would be pointed towards a place such as a house or a riverside where Christians were known to gather at such-and-such a time (see Acts 16:13 for example).
So, what do the current restriction on meeting together mean for the church? If we can't physically meet how can we be church?
Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider how we spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the day approaching."
Given modern technology, it is relatively easy to think of ways in which we can continue to keep in touch with each other, to encourage each other, to spur each other on. Everyone in our church has access to a telephone (the plugged into the wall variety) and many have the ability to FaceTime, Skype etc etc.
Over these next few weeks we need to be thinking and exploring different ways of being church. Please bear with us as we explore the different technology and options!
So this coming Sunday we're planning on producing a pre-recorded 'service' including some sung worship, prayer, Bible reading and a reflection. This will be available on the internet - details of where will be coming nearer the time. We'll also be looking at ways of interacting together afterwards.
It's been great also to see the church at the heart of the community response to this situation. Yesterday and today the whole of the village was leaflet dropped with key phone numbers and email addresses - so that those who are feeling alone and isolated and needing some help can get in touch.
This is a rapidly changing situation but in these uncertain times remember that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the faithful God who loves us.
Grace and peace, Keith
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