Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Take it out

We're now into our third week of processing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child and have sent off around 2,700 shoe boxes so far. Part of the reason the boxes need checking is to make sure that people have followed the rules on what is and isn't allowed in a box. Certain things, such as food items, are not allowed in because of import/export rules. Some things are not allowed in because they would be dangerous - such as marbles in a box for 2-4 year olds. Some things are taken out because they have the potential to spoil a whole box, or a whole carton if they were to leak - such as a large bottle of shampoo.

So what do we do with all the things that we take out? If something is broken or in a poor condition it will get thrown away. If there are cuddly toys that are just a bit grubby then they will go through the washing machine and get cleaned up before heading off to Swaziland. Most other things will be sold and we use the money from these sales to purchase new items to use as 'fillers'. Fillers are used to top up boxes that are not full.

Chocolate, shampoo, toy guns and novels - some of the items taken out of shoe boxes this year
Crates of fillers ready to top up boxes as needed