Friday, 27 July 2007

Waste Watchers

What a week. This past week we have run a holiday Bible club for children aged 5-11 and, in my opinion, it has been great. In total we encountered 47 children, which is almost twice as many as last year - many of those children returning and bringing their friends along too.

We looked at stories of transformation: from nothing into something (creation); from water into wine; from darkness to light (healing of a blind man); from death to life; from sadness to joy. God was able to take impossible situations and transform them. And because Jesus came from death to life, and because he lives today he is still in the business of transforming lives. Jesus can transform your life today.

Acted out in front of the children each day was a drama. This was set in a lovely park - the church was transformed using a forest of artificial Christmas trees and smaller garden plants. But not long after the start of the week this lovely park had been ruined by litter etc. But soon those who visited the park began to clear it up and transform some of the rubbish into beautiful features - an old bath into a pond (equipped with large yellow duck).

Each day the children completed a craft activity, recycling old tubes, bottles, boxes...into desk tidies, musical instruments, picture frames...

We were also reminded throughout the week of the importance of looking after the planet and taking care of God's creation.

Tomorrow we have a funday, and then we wrap the week up with a family service on Sunday. At the beginning of John 21, Peter is feeling pretty rubbish - but Jesus transforms him, he turns him around. Jesus' death and resurrection makes it possible for our rubbish to be dealt with too.

Click here to listen to Keith at Camrose on 29 July 2007.