Thursday, 2 May 2013

Time and relative dimension in space

Some of you will have looked at that title and thought - what? Others of you will have looked at that title and through TARDIS.

This might look like an old fashioned blue police telephone box - but it is actually the TARDIS - the space craft that allows Dr Who to travel the universe - not just going from place to place, but also able to go backwards and forwards in time.

Last weekend it was great to be able to conduct and speak at a wedding. And as the couple getting married were Dr Who fans it seemed appropriate to keep at Dr Who theme running through proceedings. I will share just one of those thoughts here.

In any relationship whether it is within a marriage, a friendship, with a family member, a working relationship... we will from time to time get things wrong. We will say something we regret. We'll do something we wish we hadn't done. The trouble is once we've said or done it there is nothing we can do to undo it. We don't have access to a TARDIS or some other form of time machine. We can't go back in time and undo what we've said or done.

That's why it is very important that we learn to do two things. The first is to say 'sorry'. When we get it wrong we need to say sorry. Secondly we need to learn to forgive. There is a passage in 1 Corinthians 13 about love that is often read at weddings. One of the things it tells us about love is that it keeps no record of wrongs.

We might not be able to go back and change the past, but how we respond to past mistakes in the present could have a real impact on our future.