Friday, 22 March 2013

Look what arrived in the post today

Look what arrived in the post yesterday. 

There is always a nagging doubt no matter how many times you check the confirmation email that you don't really have a place in the London marathon after all. 

But once this magazine arrives, with the registration form, which has your race number printed on it, it suddenly seems that bit more real. Your name and address are definitely on the database. You definitely have a place on the start line. You're not going to have to look for an alternative marathon when it turns out that there has been a mix up with your charity place and it turns out you don't have a place!

So I'm definitely running - but within minutes of finding this on my doorstep I had aches in my back, and both legs. It's amazing what tricks the mind can play.

Oh - and by the way - it's literally just started snowing again. This is supposed to be a spring marathon.