Tuesday, 8 May 2018

What's in the Box?

A couple of weeks ago we gave out Kingdom Kits to all of our families with young children here at CBC.

I know at least a few of you were wondering what was in the box - read on and you'll find out.

The contents of the kit are designed to help families pray together throughout the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come, which runs from Ascension Day (10 May) to Pentecost (20 May). Each day there is a different focus and activity.

The focus and the activities are all from a leaflet provided. These can be purchased from CPO, or last year's leaflet is available as a downloaded from the Thy Kingdom Come website. (The image above is from last year's pack.)

If you're struggling to read the print above you'll find the full-size version here

Complete Kingdom Kits can be purchased from CPO or you can make your own.

Here are a few images from inside our boxes.