Saturday, 30 January 2016

Leviticus - not everyone's favourite part of the Bible

If you're following the Read Scripture plan, then today we're entering one of the more challenging sections of the Old Testament. Leviticus contains the detail of many of Israel's laws which will often seem alien and irrelevant to us. I would encourage you to watch the Bible Project's book video (which I've included below) and just to keep on reading. The video starts with the line - 'the book of Leviticus - we know you've been avoiding it because it's ... weird - so let's fix that'.

Those of you who are a part of CBC will remember that last term our teaching series was 'From Sinai to the Promised Land' looking at the story of Israel from Exodus 24 to the end of Deuteronomy. And along the way there were various resources. The home group notes for that series are still available in the archive section of our website.

But just to help you get your head round the offerings that are mentioned in today's reading, and again in a few chapters' time, here's a table that outlines the what, the how and the why of Israel's offerings.
  1. All offerings were to be ‘without defect’ in the case of animals, and the ‘finest’ in terms of flour etc. Only the best is acceptable.
  2. The person bringing the sacrifice was to slaughter it just outside the entrance to the Tent of Meeting - that is, in the Courtyard of the Tabernacle.
  3. The altar was the Altar of Burnt Offerings mentioned in Exodus 27. Mention of the Alter above always refers to the Altar of Burnt Offerings. When the Altar of Incense is intended this is mentioned in full. There was a horn on each corner of the altar. This altar was in the courtyard of the Tabernacle. (Not to be confused with the Altar of Incense which was inside the Holy Place (not to be confused with the Holy of Holies.)) 
  4. Slaughtering, skinning, cutting up were usually roles for the individual bringing the sacrifice.
  5. Arranging meat on the altar, handling the blood and burning was the role of the priest.
  6. This was the curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies.
  7. Regulations about the who, where, what and when of the Fellowship Meal are given in Leviticus 7

Purpose/additional notes
Burnt Offering
Lev. 1:1-17; 6:8-13; 8:18-21; 16:24
Bull or ram (a)
Present at entrance to Tent of Meeting (b) 
Lay hands on head and slaughter (d)
Ram - slaughtered at N side of altar.

Skin & cut into pieces.

Wash internal organs and legs
Priest: Splash against sides of altar (c)
Voluntary offering; atonement for sin.
Kept by priest
Head, fat, meat
Burn on the altar (e)
Washed organs, legs
Burn on the altar
Dove, pigeon (for the poor)
P: Bring to altar and wring off the head
Drain on side of altar
Remove crop and feathers
Crop and feathers
Throw with the ashes, E of altar
Tear open

Burn on the altar
Grain Offering
Lev. 2:1-16; 6:14-23
Finest flour, olive oil, incense. Without yeast or honey. Always add salt.
P: Take handful of flour, oil and all incense

Burn on the altar
Voluntary offering

Belongs to the priests. Eat without yeast in the sanctuary area
Fellowship Offering
Lev. 3:1-17; 7:11-36
Male or female cow, sheep, goat
Lay hands on head and slaughter at entrance to Tent of Meeting.
P: Splash against sides of altar
Voluntary offering; thanksgiving; communal meal
Internal organs with fat, kidneys, liver. (Lamb’s tail)
Burn on the altar
Breast, right thigh
Priest’s share
Rest of the meat
Eaten by the people (ceremonially clean) as fellowship meal (g)
Sin Offering

Lev. 4:1-5:13; 6:24-30; 8:14-17; 16:3-22
Young bull
Lay hands on head and slaughter at entrance to Tent of Meeting.
Dip finger and sprinkle seven times in front of curtain of sanctuary (f)
Mandatory atonement for unintentional sin
Put some on horns of Altar of Incense
Pour rest at base of Altar of Burnt Offering
Fat, kidney, liver
Burn on the altar
Skin, flesh, head, legs, organs, intestines
Burn outside camp in ceremonially clean place
Whole Community
Young bull
Elders lay hands on head and slaughter
Priest performs as above

Male goat
Lay hands on head and slaughter
Priest - put on horns of altar, rest poured out as above
Burn on altar
Eaten by priests, in sanctuary area
Female goat/lamb
Lay hands on head and slaughter
Priest performs as for leader

2 doves/pigeons (for the poor)
First bird (sin offering): P: Wring its neck
Splash on side of altar
Drained at base of altar
Second bird: burnt offering

Finest flour, no oil or incense (for the very poor)
As grain offering

Guilt Offering
Lev. 5:14-6:7; 7:1-10

Splashed against sid of altar
Mandatory atonement for unintentional sin requiring restitution.
Make restitution + 1/5 and give to priest.
Make atonement.
Fat, kidney, liver
Burn on altar
Eaten by priests, in sanctuary area

If you've not already watched the Leviticus video - here it is - (see below first)

Updated on 30 January: the following video is slightly longer and updated for the Read Scripture series.