Saturday 13 April 2013

Older and quicker - we'll have to wait and see

Exactly 10 years ago today I was almost certainly wide awake and nervously looking forward to running the London marathon. The training was done, but I had no idea what to expect. In the end I managed a time of 4:01:14. In 8 days I'm going to try and better that time and go under 4 hours.

As you will know if you've followed this blog since January, I am running for Christian Aid. My aim is to raise £2000 - and thanks to many of you I'm nearly there now - remember every little helps. If you want to add your support you can do so at

Each week this year, on Thursdays, I have been posting a short video that demonstrates some of the work that Christian Aid are involved in. As you will have seen Christian Aid often work with small, local organisations that are very aware of the situation 'on the ground' and whose work transforms the communities in which they are based. The money is used to provide communities with the helping hand they need to get themselves out of poverty - and to then stay out of poverty.

One of the arguments used against giving aid is that most of the money is wasted due to corrupt governments. The new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby countered this argument in his blog yesterday. Click here to read what he had to say.

In a few minutes I'm off out for a gentle 8 miles. Nothing longer than 3 miles next week.