Last week we took a break from our E100 Bible reading programme, so that, for our all age service, we could link in with the topic the children have been looking at in their Sunday School classes. The children are currently looking at some of the letters in the New Testament that help to illustrate what it means to live as a follower of Jesus.
Last Sunday we looked at the little book of Philemon. This letter was written by Paul, in about AD 62, from prison, to a Christian in a place called Colosse. The letter begins with some encouragement for Philemon, before the challenge of the second half.
Paul begins by writing about the encouragement it is to hear about Philemon's love and faith. I wonder what Paul could write to you if he had been following your journey of faith over the past year or so. How has your character developed in that time? In what ways are you more like Jesus now, than 6 months ago? Think in terms of your character rather than things you do. Things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. If you can't think of anything - what about asking someone you respect and trust to see what they've seen.