Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Does God change traffic lights?

Here's a question that I was asked the other day. 'Does God change traffic lights?'

I think my response would be 'no - but He could if He wanted to'.

What is behind the question? I think there are some people who believe that if they are five minutes late for an important appointment God will make all the traffic lights green and then delay their train leaving the station by six minutes so they can still make it. But what about all the other people on the train who are now frustrated and six minutes late for whatever important things they have to do?

What does this say about our view of ourselves and our view of God. Who is the centre of our universe? Does the world revolve around me?

Then a second question. 'Assuming that God does change traffic lights and if you're approaching a junction and the lights change - are they more likely to go 'red' or 'green'. Speaking personally I think that they are more likely to go red, simply because I am always in a rush to get somewhere or do something, and it wouldn't hurt to sit quietly for a couple of minutes - an ideal opportunity to practice patience!

[I guess the proper answer to the second question is 'it depends - if the lights are amber then they'll go red, if red and amber then they'll go green'].

One final question for you. ''Assuming that God does change traffic lights and if you're approaching a junction and the lights are about to change to red why do you speed up rather than press the brake?