- Who is God calling us to be?
- Who is God calling us to reach?
- How does God want us to do this?
It was great to be able to present a new vision at the Members' Meeting last night - which draws from this time of prayer, conversations with different people, and the discussion and feedback from the 25th. If you weren't able to make the meeting yesterday then here's what you missed.
Our Vision
We are seeking to be an authentic community of disciples, becoming more like Jesus - walking in step with God, alongside each other and seeing lives transformed.
Our Values
Everything that we do and say is shaped by our seven core values:
- Loving
- Welcoming
- Missional
- Servant-hearted
- Biblical
- Spirit-led
- Prayerful
As we introduce this new vision over the next few months we will be explaining how this will impact what we do, and hopefully we will begin to see how we make choices and decisions based on our vision and values.
To help us to understand these statements a bit better I have added some notes below.
Unpacking Our Vision
Authentic - a place where genuine faith, characterised by an on-going relationship with Jesus, meets real life and recognises that often life is messy. We want to be a place where people can be themselves without the need for masks.
Community - a place where we learn together and where we support one another, where everyone feels welcome and has a place and a role, as we share our lives together.
Disciples - as disciples we are followers of Jesus and take discipleship seriously. This is a lifelong calling and requires a commitment to put Jesus first in all areas of our lives. We are called to make disciples and we recognise that genuine fulfilment can only be found in relationship with Jesus.
Becoming more like Jesus - this is our aim, to be more like Jesus.
Walking in step with God - on this journey of discipleship we need to follow where God leads, living in obedience to his calling, sensitive to the work of the Spirit, trusting that God has promised to walk with us.
Alongside each other - We are not called to this journey alone, but we are in community with others. On this journey we will learn from those ahead of us and we will encourage those behind us. We are also called to walk alongside those in our wider community sharing our life with them.
Seeing lives transformed - just as we experience the transforming presence of God’s Spirit in our lives we pray that as we share our lives with others they will be transformed too.

Unpacking our Values
Loving: Jesus commanded us to love God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind and to love our neighbours as ourselves. On the cross Jesus demonstrated what genuine love looks like. We will be motivated in everything by our love for God and we will care for, listen to, and think the best of each other.
Welcoming: Jesus offered a welcome to everyone - particularly those on the fringes. We will be welcoming to all and will practice hospitality as individuals and as a church.
Missional: Jesus sent his disciples out into the world to make disciples as they shared their experience of Jesus with others. We will ensure our focus is outward and we will reach out to others with the love of God - locally, nationally and internationally.
Servant-hearted: Jesus came to serve and he calls us to be his servants and develop a servant heart. We will commit to discovering and using the gifts that God has given each of us, so that we are all serving where God wants us to be.
Biblical: Jesus knew how to use the Word of God and it is through its pages that we encounter God and discover this big story that we are now a part of. We will spend time reading the Bible and we put ourselves under God’s authority as revealed through the truths of Scripture.
Spirit-led: Jesus promised his disciples would be filled with the Spirit and without his presence we are nothing. We will welcome the work of the Spirit, and want to see his fruit and gifts in our lives.
Prayerful: Jesus was never too busy to spend time alone with God in prayer. Without God we can do nothing of genuine value. We will be committed to spending time in prayer expectantly waiting for God to speak to us.