Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Have Your Say

One of the ways to wind me up - and some of you are coming to realise that there are actually a number of ways you can do that - is to tell me that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics. In the first century claiming 'Jesus is Lord' was a political statement because you were simultaneously stating that 'Caesar is not Lord'. And such a political statement could very easily get you executed.

On Thursday, 1 May, those of us who live in London have the chance to make our Christian voice heard as we vote for a Mayor and the 25 member Greater London Assembly.

But listening to the media you may not be aware that there are more people standing than Ken and Boris. In fact there are a number of candidates and parties who are standing. One of these parties is specifically Christian and looking to see gospel values implemented across our city.

Because of the system of proportional representation being used there is a very real chance that whilst Alan Craig may not be successful in his bid to become Mayor, he could well be elected to the 25 member Greater London Assembly.

So don’t stay at home—make your voice heard.

To find out more about the ballot papers you will receive, the different candidates and parties visit http://www.ibfchurch.org.uk/londonelections.htm