Friday, 5 February 2016


Seeking to be an authentic community of disciples, becoming more like Jesus - walking in step with God, alongside each other and seeing lives transformed

This week as we continue our series of Friday posts looking in more detail at our Vision we're going to think about what it means to be walking. If you've missed the previous posts simply click on the relevant word above - or use the 'vision' label at the bottom of the page to pull up the whole series.

Next week we're going to think about what it means to be walking in step with God, this week I just want to think about what it means to be walking.

Walking implies a journey. Going from somewhere to somewhere. And this image of being on a journey is really helpful when we come to think about our own personal life as well as our life together as a church.

This journey language helps us understand that whilst I am obviously where I am now, that is not the place where I am going to end up. And I can get to where I'm going, but no matter how far away that goal is, I can only get there at the rate of one step at a time.

Too often I think we're hindered in our journey with God because we're not where we want to be. We know that we should do more of this and less of that - we don't need anyone to tell us that we are far from perfect - and as a consequence we hold back on doing what it is that God is calling us to be and do - waiting for the day when we've cracked it, for the day when we're finally doing more of this and less of that. And we forget that our life with God is a journey. We somehow think that we're going to get to where we want to be - without a journey that has to start from where we are.

The purpose of a vision statement is to keep the goal, the destination, in mind at all times. So that as we are on this journey, at each junction, at each fork in the road, we decide which way to go based on the destination - is this going to take us closer to our destination or lead us further away?

In the New Testament there is a Greek word, teleio, which is translated in a range of ways including finish, goal, and complete. This idea of being on a journey, of heading somewhere. Here are three passages to think about.