Seeking to be an authentic community of disciples, becoming more like Jesus - walking in step with God, alongside each other and seeing lives transformed
Over the last eight Fridays we have been exploring our Vision. If you missed any of these posts use the links above to catch up, or the Vision label at the bottom of the page.
The purpose of our Vision Statement is to give us an idea of where we are headed.
As well as a new Vision we also set out our Core Values - these values help us to understand who we are. All that we do and all that we say should be shaped by our Core Values.
Our Core Values are:
Loving, Welcoming, Missional, Servant-hearted, Biblical, Spirit-led and Prayerful
Although these values are not listed in any kind of order of priority it is appropriate that we start with love. Jesus taught his disciples that the whole of the law hangs on two commands - to love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind; and to love your neighbour as yourself (e.g. Luke 10:25-37).
Later in the New Testament, Paul teaches that no matter how gifted we are, or what we are able to achieve, unless we are acting in love it is all of no more value than the noise of a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13:1-13).
There are many people in today's world who have a very mixed up view of what love looks like. Fortunately as we read through the gospels we discover what love looks like - in the person of Jesus. God is not just loving - God is love (1 John 4:16).
But this picture of love that we discover in the gospels is both comforting and challenging. It is comforting to know that even though God knows everything there is to know about us Jesus still loved us so much that he was prepared to die on the cross (Romans 5:8).
But it is challenging to know that we are called to love in this totally giving, self-sacrificial way. Demonstrating our love to our enemies as well as our friends.
But this is only possible when we know that we are loved by God. We are only able to love because God has loved us first (1 John 4:19). Everything that we do has to be motivated out of love. Our actions are our response to the love of God that we have already experienced.
So everything that we do and everything that we say is shaped by our knowledge and experience of God's love for us, our love for God and a genuine love for others.