Thursday, 5 January 2017

Revisiting our Vision

This Sunday morning here at CBC we're going to begin a new series looking at our Vision and Values. We spent time working and praying together at the end of 2015 to put a new Vision in place, and this was adopted by the church at the beginning of 2016. But I am aware that although we explored this is some detail here on this blog we have not yet done so on a Sunday morning or in home groups. And also there are quite a few people around in the church now who were not here at the end of 2015 and start of 2016 - so how good have we been at communicating our vision to them?

A vision is not about where we are - but about where we want to be. Our vision states:

Seeking to be an authentic community of disciples, becoming more like Jesus - walking in step with God, alongside each other and seeing lives transformed.

So, one year in, how are we doing? We have deliberately used the image of a journey - walking - in our Vision. How far have we come in 2016? Are there areas where we're doing well, and others that are still lagging behind? How do the decisions that we will be taking this year fit in with this Vision?

This Sunday we're going to be thinking about what it means to be an authentic community of disciples - walking in step with each other.

If you want to remind yourselves of what we said a year ago start with this link here and then click on the individual words to unpack the Vision in more detail.

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