Thursday, 13 June 2013

Revelation - the answers to all your questions

If you've ever read Revelation - the last book in the Bible - you might have wondered what John was thinking/had taken as he sat down to write. On Sunday we're going to be looking at Revelation as this is the final week in the Community Bible Experience. I have read John, 1-3 John and Revelation quite a few times over the last couple of weeks as I've tried to get inside John's head a little.

Imagine you were to meet John face to face, what one question would you want to ask him about Revelation?

Imagine John was to meet you face to face, what one answer do you think he would want to give you? Would he want to answer your question - or would there be something more important he had to say?

Let me know what you think.


Pastor Keith said...

Here are some of the replies that were added to the link to my facebook page:

Ruth: The only one: what were you on?

Graham: Are you pre-, post- or a-millennial?

Jill: Did you have your vision in full HD colour, with 3D imaging and was it noisy and scary?

Jill: Does it concern you that in the 21st century, British Christians will make up humorous comments about your Revelation and almost seem not to take it seriously?

Margreet: Please explain, what does it all mean?

Injun said...

I would want to ask John what he meant by the blessing (Rev. 1.3) that is promised to those who read his record of what he saw and heard, or in other words, “What difference will reading it make in my life?”

I think he might answer that reading it could have the same effect on us as it had on him, for example:

Total prostration (1.17), unreserved worship and submission to Jesus Christ, leading to absolute security;

Utter desolation (5.4) when it appeared that Jesus was not on the throne with God, perfectly relieved by seeing the Lamb who had been slain;

Consuming longing for the second coming of Christ (“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” 22.20) after seeing the wonderful conclusion of the Revelation.

Yakub said...

My question is this: John, there seem to be parallels between your experiences with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17.1-8) and when you saw someone “like a son of man” in Revelation 1.9-18:

his face shone like the sun;
you fell to the ground at his feet;
he touched you and said, “Don't be afraid”.

From your point of view, John, were there similarities between these two experiences? and what differences were there in Jesus on the two occasions?