Friday, 21 June 2013

Behind the scenes

This week I've been reading through the book of Daniel, getting ready for a new preaching series that will start this week looking at Daniel 1-6. 

Yes - I do know that there are another 6 chapters at the end of Daniel. But - I only have 6 weeks, and our Holiday Bible Club, is based on Daniel 1-6 (Scripture Union's Space Academy) so I thought it would be good to study these chapters ahead of sharing it with the children in a few weeks time.

One of the themes that comes through is how God is always working just behind the scenes. This is true even when things don't look like it. When Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel was carried into exile it was because of what God did - not because of who Nebuchadnezzar was or what he had done. 

Similar themes to those we saw last week with Revelation.

Although Daniel was a captive rather than a refugee watch the following video and then try to imagine some of the things that Daniel was feeling and thinking. Yet his faith remained strong as he saw (with the eyes of faith) the hand of God behind even this disaster in Israel's history.

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