Friday, 12 October 2012

Just a Number?

Earlier on today I came across the photograph below.

It is a picture of quadruplets in south China. The boys are so alike that their parents say that even they can't tell them apart. And so to make life easier for the boys' teachers the parents decided to shave their heads into these distinctive hair styles. Their mum says, 'Teachers and classmates can't get confused with the big marks on their head'. Hopefully the boys are still called by their names rather than by a number.

We have a God who knows us by name. Out of all the people alive on the planet - God knows your name. Sometimes we feel invisible, unimportant, unloved, forgotten, lonely. But God knows us by name.

Psalm 139 tells us that God knows everything about us. It tells us that there is no where we can go that is beyond God's presence. God knows you. He knows what you're going through. He cares for you. You're not on your own. You're not just a number.

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