Monday, 31 January 2011

Be careful what you ask for

Only one post for the whole of January is not very good - so I'll double my tally by squeezing another post in on the last day of the month, and try to do better in February!

At church we have continued following the E100 Bible reading programme, looking at Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, two weeks ago, Joseph last week, and yesterday we looked at the first part of Moses' life - covering Exodus 1-14.

What are you passionate about? What are the issues that really get you going? What stories on the news really make you angry? What is the topic of conversation around the coffee table at work that turns you from being quiet, shy and retiring into a red faced, finger wagging, table banging, jumping up and down orator?

Maybe it is a global issue - such as trade justice; a national issue - such as cuts in local services; a local issue - such as the closing of a local children's centre.

Whatever it is, do you care enough to pray about it?

Moses was passionate about the oppression of his people - so much so that he killed an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite (Exodus 2:12). The people were crying out to God to save them from slavery and cruelty. And eventually God speaks to Moses and says to him, 'I have seen...I have heard...I am concerned...I have come to rescue...'

I wonder if Moses, in the midst of his fear, thought something along the lines of, 'about time...we've been waiting long enough...'?

But then horror of horrors - God reveals his plan to Moses. God says, 'I have seen...I have heard...I am concerned...I have come to now, you go. I am sending you...'

What am I passionate about? What are you passionate about? Is God saying, 'Yes, I have heard and seen, yes I do care, and I'm going to send you to do something about it'.

Is God asking you to get involved and be a part of the answer to your own prayers?

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