Thursday, 9 December 2010

It's not my fault

It is said that a bad workman blames his tools. Certainly this golfer does!

I wonder if we've ever uttered the words 'it's not my fault' - even if it was.

Last Sunday we looked at the life of king Josiah (2 Kings 22-23), a good king who was compared to king David. One of the things that these two men had in common, and one of the lessons we can take from his story, is that when they were confronted with sin they didn't make excuses, they didn't point the finger at anyone else, but they acknowledged the wrong doing and they confessed and repented.

Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that when a person is a Christian they will be perfect - but we all know that that is just not the case. Whilst we seek to be like Jesus, none of his followers is ever going to be sinless whilst we live here on this earth. We will make mistakes, we'll get things wrong...But what do we do when we realise it? Do we make excuses? Or do we confess and repent, believing in the God who has promised to forgive us (1 John 1:9).

To listen to this message click here.

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