Thursday, 18 November 2010

What will you swap?

On Sunday, as we continued our series looking at the period of OT history from 930-586BC, we looked at Amos 5. This is one of those chapters in the Bible where it is very hard to miss the obvious message that God is passionate about issues of poverty and justice in this world.

There are over 2000 verses in the Bible where these issues are addressed, and they are all highlighted in the Poverty and Justice Bible. The issue in Amos' day was that the people were religious but they did not care for the poor and the oppressed. In fact they were the ones responsible for many of the injustices these people experienced. They went to 'church' and sung the hymns on one day, and then cheated the poor and bribed their way out of trouble the next. And God's judgement was coming.

How much do we identify with those on the margins? What difference do we make? What difference could we make? Are we a part of the problem, or part of the answer?

Whether it's running, Bible reading or social action it is always better to start small and build up. Why not commit to changing just one item in your weekly shop to a Fair Trade option? In the UK there are now over 3000 products that carry the Fair Trade logo. These include tea, coffee, chocolate, honey, sugar, bananas and beans to mention just a few. What will you swap?

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