Wednesday, 8 July 2009

A Bucket full of Love

Given the option of knowing exactly when you were going to die would you want to, or not? According to Morgan Freeman in The Bucket List, 96% of people would say 'no'.

But often when we are confronted with our own mortality things come into a sharper focus than before. Suddenly there are things that we want to do with the time we have left.

In 1 Peter 4:7-11 Peter passes on some instructions to his readers about what their priorities should be given that the end is near. None of us can be sure when the end will be. We may think we have another 20, 30, 40 years or more, but we don't know what is just around the corner. The Bible also tells us that time will come to an end - but it doesn't tell us when that will be.

But Peter wants us to live as if it could be today. And the most important thing, he says, above all else, no matter what else you think you need to do, is to love each other deeply. And this is only possible when we have already accepted the love that God has for us. We have been forgiven so much - and therefore we love each other, and allow that love to cover a multitude of sins.

See the best in people this week, rather than suspect the worst. Put the needs of others before your own needs. Be generous and big hearted. Do something kind and unexpected for someone.

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