Monday, 2 June 2008

Why Worry?

We worry about all kinds of different things - finances, exams, death, relationships, work, health, the future... And worry has all kinds of effects on us - lack of sleep, don't eat, eat the wrong things, get more worried, make poor choices, suffer from poor health... One thing that we can say is that worrying doesn't help the situation improve. Bobby McFerrin sings,

...Don't worry, be happy, In every life we have some trouble, When you worry you
make it double, Don't worry, be happy...

In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus tells us that there is no point worrying because it won't make any difference - 'who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?' But unlike Bobby McFerrin, who offers a negative reason as why not to worry - it won't make things better - Jesus offers us positive reasons as why we should not worry.

First there is the truth that God loves us and knows what we need. We are valuable to God - he loved us so much that Jesus died on the cross. And so if we believe that God is in control, that He loves us, that He knows what we need - why worry? Then Jesus tells us that when we put God's priorities first the other stuff will also be taken care of. This means doing the things that God wants. It means that we listen to God's voice rather than the voice of the world. God tells us that He created us, that He loves us, that we're special and valuable...and yet we worry because we're too tall, or too short, or too large, our nose is wrong, we want this bit smaller and those bits bigger...God says that it's what's on the inside that matters...and yet we worry because we don't have the right shoes, and labels and the latest phone...We worry we don't have enough to buy that latest car, we strive for a better job in order to buy more stuff, and yet half the world lives on less that $2 a day.

So what do we do when there are things we're worried about? Philippians 4:6-7 gives us a strategy. First we pray - we talk to God about it. And when we pray we make a conscious effort to remind ourselves and give thanks for all the stuff that God has done for us before - this puts things in perspective. The same God who helped us before can do it again. And then we allow God to give us a peace that you can't explain - but it is an amazing thing to experience.

I know it's tough, and it's something we all struggle with, and don't worry that you worry, but let's try, with God's help, to be a little less worried this week.

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1 comment:

keeks said...

Glad to see you are still blogging. What you say is so true, but so hard to do.

God Bless,
