Thursday, 18 February 2010

Carbon Fast

I did not plan that I would be speaking about Fasting the Sunday before Lent, in fact it wasn't until last week that I even realised Lent started on 17 February. For many Christians Lent is a season of fasting and self-denial as part of our preparation in the run up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. When the Bible talks about fasting it is primarily the act of giving up food and/or drink for a time, for a spiritual reason - more about that next week.

But I think we can broaden our approach to include other things. This year Tear Fund are running an interesting campaign aimed at getting us to cut our use of Carbon during Lent. For more details click here.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

It's not what you do but the way that you do it

This morning, as we returned to our series on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), we reached chapter chapter 6:1-18. Today we looked at 1-4 (giving) and 16-18 (fasting). In these verses Jesus wants us to understand that it is not just what we do that is important, but also how and why we do it.

It is possible to give money to charity and the poor - but do it for all the wrong reasons. You can fast, you can pray - and yet it will count for nothing because of your attitudes. Jesus warns us of the dangers of giving, fasting and praying, with an attitude that wants to impress others rather than God. If I do my good deeds to be seen by others, then that will be my reward - they will be impressed and think I'm a great guy.

So why do I do the things I do? Am I looking to impress others, or do I want to respond to everything that God has already done for me?